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Ways for nurses to avoid illnesses and injuries on the job

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Workplace Injuries |

Nurses, more so than other workers, need to be careful not to incur an injury or fall ill. The basics of nursing safety can be summarized in 10 points, and nurses in Pennsylvania should take note of them. First, a lot depends on good self-care, including a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Second, nurses should get plenty of sleep. By taking these two steps, nurses boost their immune system and are less liable to make mistakes on the job.

Third, nurses should wash their hands often to prevent illness. Fourth, they should be vaccinated for influenza, which can be so easily transmitted to patients and colleagues through coughing and sneezing. Next, they will want to be current on other vaccinations like the measles, mumps and rubella series and the tetanus and diphtheria vaccine.

When in the presence of patients with a possibly communicable disease, nurses should wear the right personal protective equipment like a mask, gloves, a gown and eye protection. When lifting patients, nurses should request help and, in turn, give it when they see colleagues in similar situations. Eighth, nurses should use lift and transfer devices when necessary.

There are also needlestick- and sharps-related injuries to prevent, and nurses do this by safely handling these implements. Finally, nurses must practice good body mechanics to prevent ergonomic injuries.

Under workers’ compensation law, nurses who are injured while on the job can be entitled to benefits. These benefits provide wage replacement and cover all medical expenses as well as any disability leave. They are not guaranteed, though, as employers have the ability to deny them. Before filing their claim, then, victims may want a lawyer to assess their case and provide both advice and guidance. If benefits are denied, the lawyer may help with filing an appeal.
