Workers’ Comp Articles
Our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys are certified specialists with decades of experience. These articles address common concerns expressed by injured workers and their families. We hope you will find them useful.
Learn more about:
- Update: Workers’ Comp Law Will Allow Compensation for Post-Traumatic Stress
- Why Was My Workers’ Comp Claim Denied If I Had A Positive MRI?
- Obtaining Workers’ Compensation benefits for a scar
- Attorney Fees in Workers’ Compensation
- Wage Loss Off, Medical Still On? When Workers’ Comp Benefits End.
- The Importance of Giving Notice of an Injury
- Calculation of Partial Disability in PA Workers’ Compensation
- When you are injured at work, do you have to go to a “Workers’ Comp” doctor?
- Can the Workers’ Comp Insurance Company Just Stop Paying Me?
- Impairment Rating Evaluations Declared Unconstitutional – What You Need To Know
- Should Employers Cooperate With Workers’ Compensation Subrogation? – which arises when injured workers sue so-called third parties and not their employers
- Failure to Carry Workers’ Comp Insurance – A Serious Mistake
- Can I Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
- Improper injury descriptions and what you can do about them
- The history of workers’ compensation laws and the origins of our “no-fault” system
- How you can receive other benefits at the same time as workers’ comp – before you can collect social security disability or old age benefits, you must notify the insurance company
- The duties and obligations of employers and employees when an injury occurs in the workplace
- Statutory employers and their obligations in workers’ comp cases
- Termination of medical benefits in workers comp cases: when they can be stopped and when to challenge a termination
- Tactics insurers use to stop paying benefits, which usually involve an independent medical examination (IME)
- How to protect your benefits if you receive notice of an IRE: it doesn’t mean you will lose benefits, but you may need assistance from an attorney
- The coming and going rule, which states that some employees may be entitled to coverage for injuries sustained while traveling to or from work
- Specific loss benefits, which cover serious injuries that do not prevent you from working or cause you to lose wages
- How a trip abroad might affect your benefits, and how to avoid a suspension of benefits
- Why it’s a good idea to hire a lawyer to help with your workers’ compensation claim, even though you are not required to have one
- Laws regarding surveillance of injurer workers – an insurer can hire a private investigator, but they cannot follow you into any private property
- The 90-day rule and your right to choose your own doctor – you can see your usual doctor within the first 90 days, but the employer won’t be obligated to pay for it.
- How a termination for misconduct may cause you to lose your workers’ comp benefits
- Employers who retaliate against employees for filing workers’ comp claims – workers are protected against these actions, and should seek legal advice
- The timeline of a workers’ compensation claim – the process can be lengthy, so it helps to know what to expect
- Workplace injuries that may not be compensated, such as those occurring on company property but not pay for the employee’s duties
- Workers’ compensation for small business owners – changes to the law have expanded the insurance marketplace, allowing more employers to buy coverage
Get answers to frequently asked questions, such as:
- How are workers’ compensation benefits calculated? The benefits you receive are based on determinations about your average weekly wage, so it’s important that the number is accurate
- What are wage loss benefits, and how can I ensure that I’m getting what I am entitled to under Pennsylvania law?
- Does workers’ compensation require job retraining? It generally doesn’t, but employees should be careful about declining “light duty” when it is offered
- What can employers do to improve workplace safety and prevent injuries and workers comp claims?
- What are collateral benefits? Can I receive them at the same time as workers’ comp?
- What does “in the course of employment” mean for employees who live where they work?
- Can I get compensation if my work injury is related to a pre-existing condition? Yes, but you may need an experienced lawyer to help you make a strong argument.
- What is an occupational illness? Can I be compensated for it?
- Should I accept the workers’ comp settlement I am being offered, or continue litigation?
- Calculation of Partial Disability in PA Workers’ Compensation
- When you are injured at work, do you have to go to a “Workers’ Comp” doctor?
- New PA workers’ compensation proposal gains momentum
- Carpal tunnel syndrome and Pennsylvania workers’ compensation claims
- Summertime injuries to teens and workers’ comp: Tips for PA workers
- Should Employers Cooperate With Workers’ Compensation Subrogation?
- Want to work in a state with opt-out workers’ compensation?
- Failure to Carry Workers’ Comp Insurance – A Serious Mistake
- PA case questions Good Samaritan provision of workers’ comp law
- Can I Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Call Us To Discuss Your Worker’s Comp Concerns
If you or someone you love has been injured on the job, it is important to discuss your specific case with a qualified attorney. Schedule a free consultation online, or call Wolf, Baldwin & Associates, P.C. at 610-228-4582 or 610-228-4582. We’re here to help.